• Well Control Wednesday®: The Science Makes Sense

    Well Control Wednesday®: The Science Makes Sense

     News  19 October 2016

    Well Control Wednesday® (WCW) was a world first. We wanted to see if a different, un proven, medium could make a difference in the training of crews on the subject of well control. Read More 

  • Crossing The Line @ 350+

    Crossing The Line @ 350+

     News  17 October 2016

    At BTB we’re taking it all in during the downturn. For the first time in years we’ve got some time. What have we done well, where can we improve and how we will get there. Nothing new. In business we all need to do this. What we did remind ourselves is that reflection is a huge teacher. Read More 

  • Back in Jakarta

    Back in Jakarta

     News  26 June 2024

    The UCC Tangguh Expansion Project is radically changing Indonesia's energy landscape. When complete, it will generate 35% of Indonesia's energy needs for a thriving population of 275 million people, 50% of whom are under 40 years of age. Read More 

  • UCC Tangguh

    UCC Tangguh

     News  17 April 2024

    What a joy it is to be back in Indonesia - it's been a while. We are thrilled to be back working with bp on the globally significant UCC Tangguh Expansion Project. Once the expansion project is fully operational, about 35% of Indonesia’s gas production is expected to come from Tangguh. Read More 

  • Why is Teamwork Important

    Why is Teamwork Important

     News  10 March 2024

    Why is teamwork important? Unless you have it, nothing sustains. Yes, you might be the genius who has the idea, and you might get it going. But can you seriously sustain it? ('...without teamwork, everything just falls to pieces'). Read More 

  • Good Leaders Aren’t Perfect

    Good Leaders Aren’t Perfect

     News  09 January 2024

    Good leaders aren’t perfect, but they make the difference that matters. It's 10 years (yikes) since we met the great Melvin R. Hollis. What stood out? Communication. Melvin nailed it. He took what he did seriously, dead set, nothing got past him. But (and importantly), he knew how to laugh. Read More 

  • Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas

     News  20 December 2023

    Over the next week or two many of us will be away from home working. Yes, we would all rather be home, wherever that may be, without loved ones. But, we're not. Can we ask that you do two things for us. Read More 

  • None of us are Perfect

    None of us are Perfect

     News  17 October 2023

    None of us are perfect and those who can laugh at themselves, last. In the 15 years we've used video to get a message across we're yet to see anyone nail it (the message) first time. That's OK because somewhere down the track it ends up on a bloopers reel and everyone gets to enjoy the real essence of the message. Read More 



     News  30 August 2023

    With the upcoming International Regulators' Forum Offshore Safety Conference coming up, hosted by NOPSEMA, we thought this should be front and centre. Make the essential message of safety and essential compliance easy to understand, comprehend and, importantly, act on. Read More 

  • Export Council of Australia: Premier’s Award

    Export Council of Australia: Premier’s Award

     News  23 September 2016

    We we’re thrilled to collect the ‘Highly Commended’ award at the 2015 Export Council of Australia awards. Read More 

  • BTB Commences in Chad

    BTB Commences in Chad

     News  30 November 2015

    Beyond the Break (BTB) have been engaged to conduct Senior Leadership Training (SLT) for Esso Exploration Production Chad Incorporated (EEPCI) project. This project is multi-cultural, with 12 different nationalities and English as the main language spoken. Read More 

  • Recognition on the DWC has Boomerang Effect

    Recognition on the DWC has Boomerang Effect

     News  16 November 2015

    Beyond the Break (BTB) has been operating on the Deepwater Champion (DWC) for almost a full year now. BTB’s engagement included the start up and successful operations in Guyana and now in the Gulf of Mexico. A joint P&A (Plug & Abandon) operation between Transocean and ExxonMobil. BTB’s Performance Coaches were in place even before the rig had officially changed hands to start building safety culture and high performing teams from the get go and help ExxonMobil to achieve their Vision of “Nobody Gets Hurt”. Read More